Curriculum Vitae:

Eddie Fisher suggested the title, This Kid Needs Help Too, when we met at Thalian's Center in 1976. We were inseparable on the ward. Two nurses called us into a private room, to say we were spending too much time together. Eddie completely shocked me when he said, "It is hard, she is the most beautiful, intelligent, and desirable woman..." I was manic after a split from a shrink w/o boundaries. Eddie told me about Tender is the Night, F. Scott's book. Yes, there were parallels.
"A fascinating story." ~Bob Illes
It was a great honor to see this comment, in my Facebook private messages after I sent my blog link to him and my self-revelations on Facebook while feeling out the climate and gauging interest levels on my social media sites. I trust his judgment. He is 4 time Emmy winner with 6 nominations. He wrote for many of the high quality, comedy sitcoms and television specials, of the 1970’s and 1980’s. Here is short list of the comedy elite for whom he wrote. People like Lilly Tomlin, Smothers Brothers, Dick Van Dyke, Carol Burnett, Martin Mull, Red Foxx, Smokey Robinson’s Motown Revue, to name a few. With that kind of entertainment industry cred, his comment was especially encouraging.
"Lots of humor. Semiautobiographical, mixing psychological with dark humor, illustrating and defining mental illness in a cultural context while traveling through different social experiences from the background of the 60's and 70's to the present." ~Alexander Emmert, Invictus films
By George, he's got it! (This comment followed his expressed interest in a writing position after reading this blog and being my Facebook friend for a year.)
“Jaw-dropping” ~Luke Sacher Documentary filmmaker
“You should write an autobiography, these are great stories.” ~Eddie Fisher in 1976
"Helluva story" ~Louis B. Mayer (I swear to G-d he spoke to me from the spirit realm) 808.457.9541
Friday, October 28, 2011
About me
Curriculum Vitae:
Monday, October 24, 2011
R.E.A.C.H. Growth Workshops
Ideas of society about mental illness are most often based on stigmatizing myths and fear. The outside world's stigma easily gets internalized into self-stigma and shame for having a diagnosis of mental illness that we allow to inform our ideas about ourselves. It can too easily set limiting zones, beyond which we are not allowed or do not think ourselves capable. The materials include ways to alter self-perception of limitation to one of abundance and maximized potential. For example, in the Create workshop, research is presented with findings from various studies done on the correlation between mental illness and creativity. One specific gene has been identified and found to be responsible for both mental illness and creativity. Different traits shared also suggest a relationship.
It appears that along with the struggles of living with mental disorders, there may also be an up side, a creative gift that is unique. A thinking style shared with creative types, a divergent mode that is used predominantly. It makes it possible to look at a situation or problem and arrive at multiple interpretations or conclusions. Thinking outside of the box, with unique associations and connections others do not see. That is a gift few realize they have. It has served me in a multitude of ways that are explained, that I understand in retrospect knowing what it is now and why it is different than most, as well as one reason I felt so unusual and strange in comparison to others.
The goal of the program is to empower and reframe negative self-identity to one in which the uniqueness of experience can be embraced. As well as, furthering the expanse of possibilities for achievement and contribution. When it possible to have a new view, attitude and belief for a better future, it allows for greater participation with others in mainstream society making it easier and a much more rewarding experience. Even when others know.
Workshops will be available locally Summer 2013 again. Available online by the year's end with manuals that include support materials, techniques and exercises that are
a separate, but related and more in-depth which all be downloaded.
I believe it is our time to come out of the closet.
Friday, August 19, 2011
In search of evidence
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Letter to President Obama
I kept him abreast of situations in different states with examples of individuals affected by State cuts already. I asked Facebook and Twitter friends to message me their stories. It is devastating in many cases. Since Van is a civil/human rights attorney and advocate, I am hoping to elicit his support for our cause. We are denied our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness if we do not receive the accommodations as outlined by Federal law under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

It is my belief that your influence and willingness to go around the globe delivering powerful speeches to different nations lead to an explosion that resulted in the global upheaval we have seen from oppressed people in Arab nations bonding together to seek freedom from tyranny so they, too, could be set free and rise up as you did. I gain great inspiration from you. Thank you.
In Washington D.C., ignorant and under-educated Tea Party congressional members have invaded the Republican party as you know only too well. For purely selfish and political reasons they are intent on destroying the link that has always existed between the two concepts of the political and the ethical. Those with mental health disorders, stand to lose the most because we have the least. It is a mass genocide that is proposed, with cuts in entitlements, rent subsidies and Medicaid that are all essential, for many people.