
"A fascinating story." ~Bob Illes

It was a great honor to see this comment, in my Facebook private messages after I sent my blog link to him and my self-revelations on Facebook while feeling out the climate and gauging interest levels on my social media sites. I trust his judgment. He is 4 time Emmy winner with 6 nominations. He wrote for many of the high quality, comedy sitcoms and television specials, of the 1970’s and 1980’s. Here is short list of the comedy elite for whom he wrote. People like Lilly Tomlin, Smothers Brothers, Dick Van Dyke, Carol Burnett, Martin Mull, Red Foxx, Smokey Robinson’s Motown Revue, to name a few. With that kind of entertainment industry cred, his comment was especially encouraging.

"Lots of humor. Semiautobiographical, mixing psychological with dark humor, illustrating and defining mental illness in a cultural context while traveling through different social experiences from the background of the 60's and 70's to the present." ~Alexander Emmert, Invictus films
By George, he's got it! (This comment followed his expressed interest in a writing position after reading this blog and being my Facebook friend for a year.)

“Jaw-dropping” ~Luke Sacher Documentary filmmaker

“You should write an autobiography, these are great stories.” ~Eddie Fisher in 1976

"Helluva story" ~Louis B. Mayer (I swear to G-d he spoke to me from the spirit realm) 808.457.9541

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A synopsis for interested investors

I am convinced that it has ALL been for a reason; this bazaar, off the wall, outside the box, life that I have lead. It had to be just exactly as it has been. Every single struggle, trial and tribulation, missed opportunity, pain and often alone by choice, took place so that I could use my story for this important purpose. To make a difference, by aiming a spotlight, at maximum wattage, on the last minority group to remain silent and still in the closet. Afraid to enter and engage fully with mainstream society, for fear their secret will get out and be met with disapproval and rejection.  As a group, we are feared.  Reality and myth about mental illness has been blurred.  Are mentally ill people more violent than others?  The commonly held belief is yes.  The answer is absolutely not.  The evidence shows, the group responsible for the highest rate of violence are those with access to firearms, in combination with alcohol and drugs.  A rare situation for most mentally ill people, as well it is illegal to sell guns to anyone that has a recorded history.   Not that it doesn't happen anyway occasionally.  But, extensive research contradicts this myth. 

Irrational fear is at the foundation of attitudes, policy making, funding decisions, hiring practices, housing access, relationship status and so much more.  The biggest reason for the unsubstantiated fear is lack of exposure and contact.  Silence has been the unwritten code of conduct when interacting with the general public. Don't freak people out.  Only share the weird stuff among ourselves.  But wouldn't it be cool to hear people say, "I have a mentally ill friend" as a badge of honor.  This project can contribute to making that a reality.  

The timing could not be more perfect. A mass genocide is taking place. Government cutbacks to mental health services have been devastating.  It is always the first cut in budgets when lean times come. We are seen as an expendable underclass. Nevada has made the worst cut backs of any state and not surprisingly their suicide rate has increased significantly. Ninety percent of all people who die by suicide (approximately 40,000 annually) have a diagnosable and treatable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.  With good services available, insurance to cover it and freedom from the fear of being stigmatized if help is sought, fewer would find it necessary to resort to such a final solution.

Some states have cut many people from Medicaid rolls that no longer even have access to medication. This is a major societal problem with worse-case scenario themes of devastating proportion that affect us all. 

We are an oppressed minority and this is a serious civil/human rights issue. Mental health services are required for us just like ramps for wheel chairs are essential for physically disabled to have access to their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.  But, many people with typically, invisible mental health disorders, are not getting adequately served.  As a group, we are akin to a Western version of India's untouchable caste.  We are the American Untouchables. 

Other minorities had help from the entertainment industry to come out to the public. With the additional benefit of making it more okay to be African-American or gay, for example.  Please allow me to illustrate just a few examples. 

The television miniseries in 1977, Roots, follows a young African man in 1750, who is captured right after a warrior, coming of age, tribal ritual in his homeland.  We are shown many of the trials endured on the voyage and as slaves suffering horrible abuses.  After gaining freedom from enslavement, one character’s family is victimized by KKK harassment as hate and discrimination didn’t end when slavery did. Eventually, a safe state is found where the family moves and the ending is a grandfather telling the story of the brave, African warrior who was the child’s father, as he explains the rich heritage from whence he came.  Roots was a huge success and very memorable.  The depth of the struggles endured was well illustrated and created a greater compassion and understanding.  For African-Americans, a visual representation of their heritage was empowering. 

La Cage aux Folles introduces the audience to a fun and highly likable gay couple faced with serious discrimination when their son plans to marry the daughter of the head of the Traditions, Family and Morality party. It appears hopeless that consent and approval would ever come, until needing the gay couple's help for a speedy get away from the club, a humorous departure is planned by the couple and a bargain made with the parent's to agree to the marriage.  

Boys Don't Cry, although tragic and true, brought attention to the plight of transgender people. According to Wikipedia, "The film has been cited as one of the most controversial and talked-about films of 1999, initially being assigned an NC-17 rating, later modified to an R rating." And it earned Hillary Swank an Oscar. We need this same type of help coming out of the closet, from the entertainment industry. 

I have an excellent vehicle with my story, Hollywood could not have written a better one, I am certain.  The greatest writer and director ever produced my film (see a Master Planned Life post).  Since I know the story well, I lived the script already; it merely needs to be successfully transferred to words on a page in the most impactful way possible. 

The project unfolded itself before me.  I had hoped for this experience, after hearing Richard Bach talk about Jonathon Livingston Seagull.  He said that, it wrote itself.  He just sat at the typewriter.   I can't claim the full experience, because I recognized my limitations.  Dialogue mostly.  Plus experience.  This project and the important purpose it serves commands professional writers.  But, I can describe and narrate even inject motivation and psychological dynamics at play. '

I have unfolded my story on Facebook and Twitter. My current network is around 4000 friends and followers and growing daily.  I post links to the blog on the social media sites.  Some find it through Google. In the last 6 months, I have had 7600 hits.  For a topic like mine, so feared and discriminated against, that's not to shabby.

I have been told by people in the entertainment industry that many of the stories that I have shared on my sites and the blog are made for the screen. One documentary film maker suggested I stop posting them even because he was fearful for me that some of the more unique scenes would end up in the fictional book or film of someone else.  So, I deleted many. 

My story is told with surprising authenticity and self-insight, thanks to over a million dollars of therapy and making a decision to come out of the closet and not worry about what I am wearing or how I look. Unusual and intriguing people, sets and settings provide a range capable of generating mass appeal. Most books and films about mental illness focus on the pathology, depicting symptoms and treatments, like Sybil. Or maladaptive behaviors, like Girl Interrupted.  Also, abuses within institutions a focus highlighted in Snake Pit and Cuckoo's Nest. Black Swan is, perhaps the only one that portrayed mental illness in conjunction with a somewhat functional and normal life. But, what a tragic conclusion it has. No hope to be found within that story.  More attention has been on portraying differences than similarities to the rest of the population.  Humanizing and commonality with others has been de-emphasized.  Voyeuristic appeals chosen instead, like an auto accident, passersby are compelled to stop and view.   

My story goes from tragic to triumphant in many ways. Perhaps, the most important glory for me now, is that I have fully mainstreamed and maintained my authenticity without needing to hide or shy away.  My personal story and the people in it, humanize the mentally ill, unlike ever before seen in books or films that have targeted a mass audience.

The contexts become characters of sorts, adding dimension with common interests beyond mental illness. For example, the historical period of a few chapters (the 60's-70's, I lived them to the hilt, I want to take the boomers back there through colorful, memorable imagery and sounds with classic rock music).

The geographic areas have intrigue for most anyone, like Beverly Hills High, a tree house camp in Kauai, all the Hawaiian islands except Lanai and Niihau. Both country club and snake pit mental institutions, a real country club in Brentwood.  Plus, many famous and infamous, talented and brilliant, characters.

Most importantly HOPE is offered. My true story of mental illness, actually better stated as psychotic insanity and madness, addiction issues that plagued me throughout much of my journey, multiple hospitalizations and rehab recoveries, and ultimately coming through it all and getting to fulfill what many deemed a delusional pipe dream at one point, to go to college and become a therapist with clients of my own.     

One crucial message I offer is the value of education.  Education was a huge turning point for me as it is for many people.  It was during the Clinton years and educational financial assistance was readily available and I was mentally sound enough with a great deal of assistance from Beloved Psychiatrist (post upcoming...a 28 year relationship).  I got to go to a wonderful, private 4-year college under special student status.  That was the only way to avoid community college because I only had a GED and no SAT score.  I was in my 30's when I finally got a Master’s degree.  I was ready and desirous.  I maintained top notch status on the Dean's List and Honor rolls most all, of the 7 consecutive years. 

I found, much to my surprise that I had a mind filled with curiosity and I became sponge-like soaking in much more knowledge than offered.  Meaning, extensive independent research for papers far exceeding what was expected in both length and depth.  I challenged myself hard.  Over compensation to the nth degree because in the eyes of my earlier world and my own, I was a third class citizen at best.  Plus, I was just so hungry to learn.   I studied the great thinkers and theorists with a gusto that I had never really known. I wrote extensively.  Accolades, praise and awards followed.  My personal feelings of self-value were far below the level of acknowledgement I was getting.  Suffice to say think Amy Winehouse for now.  

To illustrate why I am certain that mass appeal is possible and entertainment value is inherent in my saga, I offer a few samples. I dropped out of Beverly Hills High School (more accurately, they expelled me but I had already dropped out, I rarely went to class) in my Junior year.  The first two years at Beverly High, an active social life and dating the coolest guys kept me showing up. I was a lower-middle class kid in Wichita, Kansas living with my humble grandparents until mother came for me at 11 years old. Beverly Hills was a dream life for me for five years during that time.  But, I heard a different drummer and danced accordingly.  Mother nearly made me award of the court for incorrigibility.  Most likely, along with the many drugs that I was often taking that affected my actions and attitudes, my bipolar disorder symptoms were emerging.  Plus, it was the 60's and antidisestablishmenttarianism, or non-conformity was the ethos of the time. 

My initial preference to class, was the beach during school hours, it was my location of choice. BHHS had it's own beach next to the private Sand and Sea Club. It was called Tee's Beach. I loved the ocean and always stayed in until major pruny, using rubber rafts (pre-boogie board) rented from the concession, to catch waves. 

Later, anti-war activism captures my interest and the UCLA campus radicals are my best buds.  I was introduced to the Yippie movement and found a perfect fit (see "Bye, Bye Carnaby Street. Hello Abbie" post). I help organize demonstrations with HENAC the university's radical group.  They help a small group of us to plan a walk out at Beverly Hills High school.  I had to lead it singlehandedly (the others chickened out and I had to give all the speeches). Hundreds walked off campus at Beverly, as a show of support for Hispanic students during what became a historic multi-school, walk-out of grand proportion that lead to improved conditions in education for students receiving much less than other districts, in the predominantly Hispanic part of LA. Edward James Olmos starred in a film for HBO about the walk-out that included many high schools. 

At 15, I marry my classmate's, activist dad. He was a Stanford University alumni, a criminal attorney when we met. He had been with O'Melveny and Meyers, the largest entertainment firm in LA, until the civil rights movement compelled him to Selma for the walk with Martin Luther King. At that point, he left his privileged life style and took cases of political prisoners (often for free) or drug related (for barter).  Activism at UCLA is replaced with hitchhiking to the downtown courthouse to be mesmerized by his trial skills, in a high profile case that results in our getting bomb threats at home.
 ('Going to Extremes'' - December, 2011 "Royal Hawaiian" - May, 2011 posts are about my marriage)

My genetic predispositions to pathology were propelled into the cosmos, with easy availability of drug quantity and quality befitting a rock star. From Bohemian, artist-filled Venice, CA to a tree house camp in Kauai on Liz Taylor's brother's land during the 60's and early 70's, our few years together provided me wonderful, colorful and unusual scenes and stories. It was also when my symptoms of Bipolar disorder started.

Then the journey begins through many mental hospitals.  They provide interest and intrigue from country club-like settings to snake pits. Also fabulously, interesting and novel therapies. Some are no longer used like psychodrama and it was a very helpful therapy that worked well on an abundance of mommie dearest issues.  I lived with my last Beverly Hills, stepfather and mom, for long stretches of time, during my 20's when I wasn't well enough for my own place.  I would have months and months of lucid time, function reasonably okay and then be overcome by psychotic experiences landing in the various institutions.  

Hawaii is home now and has been for over thirty years.  On Maui, I started AA and got clean and sober the first time for 5 years.  The 12 steps changed me.  I worked them like my life depended on it.  My first 4th step was over 60 pages long.  I did with a priest.  I was afraid that even my AA sponsor couldn't handle the information of my strange world.  

My life changed dramatically. I returned to college and made my first dream a reality.  I found the world’s greatest therapist. Fall in love and let him help remold me in a more functional fashion. Degrees and a perfect job as a family therapist, or Multisystemic therapist (family therapy plus more) for a social service agency here. 

When I foolishly revealed my mental disorder, while making a point to my supervisor, a pink slip followed within days.  A major relapse with extreme mania for many months followed as my mainstream identity and hidden secret gets exposed.  All my education appeared wasted at that point.  It is a small island. No attorney would take my discrimination firing law suit because this type of case is too hard to prove and after all I was crazy, right?  

Since I could not work under an agency license and I do not have my own, I had to get creative.  I designed a workshop program for mental health clients based on both my education and revelations of personal experience and what worked to help me along the way in my recovery. 

I got financing from the State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.  My new website with be up in coming months (postponed until after this is released/in bookstores).  It is called REACH Growth Workshops.  I have given them locally to excellent reception.  They are quite a novel addition to the limited resources for people with mental health disorders. The 5-part workshop series will be available on DVD with accompanying manuals this year.  

That is small sample.  This project is my passion now. The stories are unfolded in more depth in other posts.  Hopefully, you are inclined to explore my blog a bit more.  If so, enjoy.  I have tried to make my stories interesting and show how I can tie the mental health and other messages (one particular one is on the importance of good parenting) into the stories.  

Embedding the messages while entertaining, amusing, disturbing, and satisfying an audience.  A book and film designed with an entertainment value quotient instead of an educational documentary, is where the mass appeal comes in.   I consider it a platform and podium from which education and enlightenment can be comfortably served up.  Personal appearances to promote the project will extend it even further. 

Basically, my intent to humanize people with mental illness to the general population.  Also, it provides the opportunity to highlight the extreme deficiencies in the system.  As well, the aspects of therapeutic interventions that were valuable.  My story is also is also a teaching instrument.  I could see it being used in college and grad school psychology programs too.  

The bottom line of it all is that with greater understanding and familiarity to de-mystify mental illness, it becomes more socially acceptable and people affected, less feared.  It will be cool to say, "my best friend is mentally ill." At the same time, the closet door is opened wider for the silent minority to find and have a greater voice. Might I add, many quite creative voices for sure.

At the core, my story is triumph over tragedy.  A reality that the LA professionals (Beverly Hill's finest shrinks included) thought could never happen. I proved them wrong.

My vision and motto are a book to movie to change in social consciousness to enduring paradigm shift in treatment, funding and policy decisions. My method is enlightenment and education via entertainment to de-mystify and demonstrate that fear and stigma about people with mental illness is unwarranted.

It is not just those in the lower socio-economic groups that are negatively affected by the current status quo. Many people with good insurance who could seek help, do not. They continue to suffer needlessly.  The primary reason people do not seek help is known. It is stigma.  Stigma is based on fear and ignorance.  Fear of being labeled for life as defective in some way.  Ignorance due to lack of exposure and contact.  

One can only imagine the thwarted dreams, creative contributions, novel solution and problem solving yet unrealized from the mentally ill population, with many, out of the box thinkers.  Research has shown that people with mental illness use divergent or a creative type, thinking mode, predominantly.  Multiplicity of thought in problem solving versus the convergent mode, which is in essence, a deductive type reasoning to a single conclusion, that is used predominantly by most people (more on this in my post REACH Growth Workshops).

It is my absolute, sincerely observed belief, that an untapped resource of talent, creative problem solving skills and many other valuable, societal contributions are forthcoming.  REACH workshops were design and based on this premise.

As a group, we have been disempowered by stigma.  Oftentimes, under-educated (most disorders onset is in the 18-20 range-college age).   Many are insecure in basic needs.  Myself included.  This is my full time job now, as yet unpaid.  Also, we have been marginalized and disenfranchised by a society that would rather not bother.  

I was lucky.  

I have been blessed with marvelous intangible gifts.  I can now say I accept myself exactly as I am, as being perfectly okay. I have learned non-attachment and it is so freeing.  I have learned how to work with and around my moods. I no longer abuse myself with substances or abusive relationships with the wrong people.   I am fully out in my community as someone with a serious mental illness and okay about it. I am comfortable being honest with people in the mainstream.  I have developed self-assurance that allows me to be my authentic self, open and uncensored. I no longer have to hide.   

For someone like me, who spent much of my life without these somewhat basic, common considerations, these are very big deals and not easy to come by.  It has lead to a wonderful peace within.  I am compelled to my core, that I must pass on what I have seen and learned on the road of destruction and recovery.  Pay it forward so others won't have it as hard.  

Reality and myth about mental illness needs to be discerned and separated. Enlightenment and education is the answer. With entertainment value added to the mix, the SKY IS THE LIMIT.
The important social contribution that is the overarching goal of the whole project, combine to make this an excellent investment opportunity. I can be reached directly 808.457-9541 if you are compelled to stop and find out more. Or email 

So please, if I have piqued a sparkle of interest from any potential investor or writer, don't hesitate to contact me for further information. This could just be the opportunity of a lifetime. The next big thing. Let's start a trend! Entertainment that Makes a Difference with a vital message about possibility, triumph; it is filled with hope for many and ideas for change; the  story demystifies the unknown, makes a valuable social contribution and makes for an excellent enduring legacy of import. ENOUGH DYSTOPIC futures/Smurfs and mindless inanity. We can do better than creative entertainment 2013, my incredibly special 60's into 70's decade that I will recreate for audiences we had psychedelics and great drugs to help. Big Sur chemists Orange Sunshine, anybody? Albert Hoffman, not Leary's recipe.  I sent a tweet out to that effect for chemists of days gone by or new initiates, when I heard Hollywood was remaking The Munsters. It was funny at the time and got RTed a lot. HA. 

The return on investment will be above industry standard, including points. We are thinking 25-30% for any investment that assists me get through until next November 2014, after the mid term elections which I have daily obligations to make a Democrat housekeeping to sweep out ALL Tea Party/anger RINO heartless Republicans. Plus, my Twin Flame (see A Forever Thing) has one remaining child at home and she will finish high school about the same time. Our agreement is not to break up his current nuclear family until diploma is in hand and daddy's girl secure & supported through their last full daily year together. 

The creative team will assemble as a group for an intensive 6-8 month (work residence with separate living properties or one large spread out. Issac investment, which CANNOT even be on his accountants radar but guaranteed $3,000,000 million (can you believe it? 2 mil more than I was asking for or thinking necessary but REALLY good writers for my REALLY EXCELLENT story, in his view, commands the additional 2 mill) 

The development phase and produce one book and one screenplay. We will hire an agent to find the best publishing house and studio. Plus, many people with whom I am now in contact are in positions that can be helpful in finding the right publisher and studio once we have the properties in hand. 

A triumph over tragedy story of mental illness has not been done on this scale. There are a number of self-published stories but they don't have the same reach to a mass audience. 

It is time!! 

For further information: 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Master planned life

I have lived a surreal life. It is one so far outside of anyone's typical frame of reference save for those few fully initiated into the bizarre world of the mentally ill. 

Although, I spent many years bemoaning my unfortunate fate; with self-pity a common companion, I am now completely convinced that it all was for a specific reason. A reason so far beyond what I ever imagined. And that my life was designed precisely as it has been by the Master himself for reasons that have become increasingly clear.

My higher destiny purpose is to be used to create positive change for others. I am finding that as I release more of my authentic self without holding back, I discover in my saga what I learned from each incident, the various systemic dynamics, meaning family dysfunctions and environmental circumstances that were far from ideal. My clarity in respect to my own story is flowing through me with heightened, self-insight like I have never before experienced. It is a divine inspired madness as described by Socrates.

I am sane and rational; but possessed. I am a vehicle of transmission. A channel, if you will, to help an oppressed group of people without a voice or a champion; a group still in the proverbial “closet” and very afraid to come out.  If this all sounds strange, I wish upon you a spiritual experience some day.  

Personally, if I written my script it would have been less painful, fewer trials and tribulations, more pleasures and joys. But, that is not how it works and in retrospect maybe this one was just fine because it seems my destiny. As well it seems to be getting better all the time. Most importantly, today I realize that my life is not about me. It is about what I can do to be of service to a larger purpose. I have something to benefit others.  Something that is especially important now as a type of genocide is taking place with cut backs in mental health services at an alarming high.  The time has come and I am ready to tell my story.

A few times it seemed as if a big camera, somewhere in the sky was filming it all. Stage and equipment set just right for me. For example, does one psychotic woman steal a red, Alfa Romeo convertible 2 times, 2 different cars off from the Otto Zipper Alfa Romeo sales lot in Santa Monica? Then I kept one of them for a month.

The stage was set. The first time I went in asked to test drive, "that red one out there" as if I was a potential buyer. The salesperson handed me the keys and I did not take it back.

I took the car to my apartment. Took the license plate from my roommates car for the brand new Alfa with no plates. I packed a bag with clothes. Stopped at a gas station filled the tank and had no money but gave them jewelry as payment and headed up the Pacific Coast Highway in California.

Along the way I picked up two hitchhikers and after drinking Tequila from a bota bag with them got pulled over. When I stepped out of the Alfa there were 10 rifles pointed at me.

Why did I do that? I thought I was my step-sister Sue. I wanted to be like her. She was everything that I was not but hoped to be. In my troubled mind, with thought disordered thinking from Bipolar I disorder and alcohol/drug abuse, I simply believed, that if I had a car just like the one she bought in Italy, travelled through Europe in then shipped home, that magically I would become her.

The second time, the car was right in front me as I approached the lot again months later. The same model, red, convertible Alfa Romeo Spider, with the top down this time sat right in the service area, keys in the ignition, service slip under the windshield wipers.  My command voices telling me to get in, start the ignition, back up and drive away. I did.

I am convinced, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that my life was Master planned to tell my story.  It all seems so evident now.  

The shame felt when you have a mental health disorder is silencing. I intend to speak. Again, there has never been a more perfect time.  I am ready.