
"A fascinating story." ~Bob Illes

It was a great honor to see this comment, in my Facebook private messages after I sent my blog link to him and my self-revelations on Facebook while feeling out the climate and gauging interest levels on my social media sites. I trust his judgment. He is 4 time Emmy winner with 6 nominations. He wrote for many of the high quality, comedy sitcoms and television specials, of the 1970’s and 1980’s. Here is short list of the comedy elite for whom he wrote. People like Lilly Tomlin, Smothers Brothers, Dick Van Dyke, Carol Burnett, Martin Mull, Red Foxx, Smokey Robinson’s Motown Revue, to name a few. With that kind of entertainment industry cred, his comment was especially encouraging.

"Lots of humor. Semiautobiographical, mixing psychological with dark humor, illustrating and defining mental illness in a cultural context while traveling through different social experiences from the background of the 60's and 70's to the present." ~Alexander Emmert, Invictus films
By George, he's got it! (This comment followed his expressed interest in a writing position after reading this blog and being my Facebook friend for a year.)

“Jaw-dropping” ~Luke Sacher Documentary filmmaker

“You should write an autobiography, these are great stories.” ~Eddie Fisher in 1976

"Helluva story" ~Louis B. Mayer (I swear to G-d he spoke to me from the spirit realm) 808.457.9541

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Now accessing the Akashic Records

The relevance of accessing the Akashic records came to me today with one of those wonderful AHA moments, yet this one brought tears to my eyes. Why would insight and intuitive "I GOT IT" flash of higher awareness make me cry?

It pains me to see what I apparently have been given the power see. Perhaps, this post from a  few  months ago when I first had the understanding and learned of the Akashic record explains it. Why I see a bit more, with dot connecting "Advance 411 Girl" G-d told me during the Romney/Ryan run for office. I announced it on Facebook to my friends and began unpacking the reasons why vulture capitalist Romney was wrong for political leadership. With opposite traits and past experience of those needed to govern and grow a once great nation, back to former superpower glory, envied by the global community, glorified and sought out as land of opportunity for the American Dream to become a reality for anyone. Immigrants fresh of the boat from Ireland, Iran, Mexico, Europe, etc.some with pennies to their names, have arrived on USA shores and some built empires. I know that America.

I attended K-12 public school when taxes were paid with rates at the top right back...Googling cool Hillary and I are on the same page but I don't understand Bill O'reilly's "there were not wealthy or many then" comment. So what? We need schools with curriculum consistency equivalent to that of nations surpassing us. You cannot teach dinosaurs and human beings roamed the earth together while China and Japan have quantum physics, string theory and higher math to Calculus mastered. It is a Republican anti-tax Ayn Rand "selfishness top value" philosophy of, "I got MINE & screw you USA".
Clinton: "You were growing up on Long Island. I was growing up outside of Chicago. You know, my dad got up every day. He was a small business man. He worked his head off, but he didn't feel like the deck was stacked against him. He thought, OK, I'm going to be treated fairly if I do my part."
O'Reilly: "Here's where you're wrong. In my neighborhood, Levittown, there was no income distribution at all. There was earning money. And you kept most of it because taxes were really low."
Clinton: "That is not true. Look at the tax rates in the '40s, the '50s, and the '60s."
O'Reilly: "For the wealthy they were high, but not for my dad."
Clinton: "Well, so why don't we go back to what we had in the '50s and the '60s then? Go back to 70 percent..."
O'Reilly: "Because there were no wealthy people then. There were very, very few."
Clinton: "When President Kennedy made that dramatic announcement he was going to cut the top rate from 90 percent to 70 percent, people stood up and cheered. All I want to do is get back to what worked in the '90s."
We wondered who was right in this exchange and what the tax rates were when Clinton and O'Reilly were young.
Today, tax rates range from 10 percent for lower incomes to 35 percent for the highest incomes. (See a chart of tax rates over time from the Tax Foundation here .)
Rates for the top brackets were just under 80% in '71. The ONE year Romney was willing to disclose he paid 13% with near certainty, even expressed by Senator John McCain of Romney's offshore hidden, tax evasion Bain, vulture capitalist style all the way. Or, the suggestion that he had taken advantage of re-patriotating the offshore when amnesty was given under Bush, Sorry two years and another larger source with even Bill Kristol saying Romney should come clean

Offshore "job creator" money wikileaks deserves credit: 

How Much is $32 Trillion?

It bears repeating: $32 trillion has been stashed away, off the books, by corporations and wealthy individuals.
Let that sink in for a moment. The implications are stupefying. The real effects of this are far more subtle, and pernicious, but this makes for a fun thought exercise - even setting aside the fact that only some percentage of this huge sum would be fair game for the tax man.
In the extremely unlikely event that all $32 trillion was added to government coffers, that would be enough to give every man, woman and child alive on Earth today a roughly $4,600 "stimulus" check.
Maybe we could all enjoy a two-week vacation in the British Virgin Islands. After all, it seems to be the destination of choice for monied types...
From blog link below: Important because it has opened the doors to see TRUTH!
The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space.  The Akashic Records can also be understood as the imprint of all experiences of all lifetime in all realities.  They are an etheric, holographic repository of information for human consciousness for the past, present and potentials for the future. The energy that makes up the Akashic Records is the energy of Love!  The knowledge contained in the Akashic Records is imprinted upon a subtle substance called the Akasha, which describes the energy of Love that permeates and creates everything in the Universe. 
The Akasha is available everywhere, all the time.  Everyone can access information from the Akashic Records at any time, and indeed we do!  The flashes of intuition and knowing hunches that occur every day are glimpses into the divine wisdom contained in the Akashic Records.  Every being in the Universe contributes to and accesses the Akashic Records.  Because we are all created by and connected to the energy of Love, our divine birthright includes having access to the divine wisdom and knowledge contained in the Akashic Records.
The Akashic Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities through the vibrations of compassion and joy.  They are like the DNA of the universe.  They contain a collection of everything that has occurred in the past, and they hold a complete set of information regarding possibilities for the future.  Every individual soul has its own, unique Akashic Record.  The souls of groups, events, organizations, and locations also have a unique Akashic Record.
One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a book that contains the entire history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potentials for your future.  This metaphorical book is so vast that it could never exist physically.  Instead, it is recorded energetically in the vibration of the Love that makes up everything in the Universe. 
The clear truth contained in the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things.  When we know the truth, we can release any illusions we have created that cause us to believe we are separate from God, Spirit, or Source.  The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our Oneness with every being in the Universe, and to find our personal and collective power to create the realities we desire.